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ABO式血液型をヒト型にリモデリングしたクローン豚を用いた免疫寛容誘導法の開発 OAK
小川, 晴子; OGAWA, HARUKO.
Palavras-chave: クローン家畜; 核移植; 移植; 拒絶反応; 免疫寛容; ABO式血液型抗原.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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High antiviral effects of hibiscus tea extract on the H5 subtypes of low and highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses OAK
BAATARTSOGT, Tugsbaatar; N. BUI, Vuong; Q. TRINH, Dai; YAMAGUCHI, Emi; GRONSANG, Dulyatad; THAMPAISARN, Rapeewan; OGAWA, Haruko; IMAI, Kunitoshi; 小川, 晴子; 今井, 邦俊.
Viral neuraminidase inhibitors are widely used as synthetic anti-influenza drugs for the prevention and treatment of influenza. However, drug-resistant influenza A virus variants, including H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses (HPAIVs), have been reported. Therefore, the discovery of novel and effective antiviral agents is warranted. We screened the antiviral effects of 11 herbal tea extracts (hibiscus, black tea, tencha, rosehip tea, burdock tea, green tea, jasmine tea, ginger tea, lavender tea, rose tea and oak tea) against the H5N1 HPAIV in vitro. Among the tested extracts, only the hibiscus extract and its fractionated extract (frHibis) highly and rapidly reduced the titers of all H5 HPAIVs and low pathogenic AIVs (LPAIVs) used in the...
Palavras-chave: Antiviral effect; H5N1; Herbal tea extract; Hibiscus.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Lung Cytokine Gene Expression is Correlated with Increased Severity of Disease in a Novel H4N8 Influenza Virus Isolated from Shorebirds. OAK
ARAI, Yasuha; N. BUI, Vuong; TAKEDA, Yohei; Q. TRINH, Dai; NIBUNO, Sayo; RUNSTADLER, Jonathan; OGAWA, Haruko; IMAI, Kunitoshi; 小川, 晴子.
The lung cytokine gene expression profiles of mice infected with 2 strains of H4N8 viruses isolated from shorebirds and reference H4 viruses from ducks are compared. Major differences between the two H4N8 strains of shorebirds, one of which causes a severe respiratory disease in mice, are in the PB1 and NS1 genes. In mice with H4N8 virus induced pneumonia, overall expression of TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-12 genes was markedly higher than in mice infected with other H4 viruses tested, although gene expression of type I interferon was not increased until day 4 post viral infection. In contrast, in mice infected with a comparison H4N8 strain, gene expression of type I interferon peaked on day 1 post viral infection. Overall, the cytokine response corresponds with the...
Palavras-chave: Avian influenza virus; Cytokine; H4N8; Mouse; Pathogenicity.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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ウイルス性感染症の予防・診断法に関する研究 OAK
今井, 邦俊; 小川, 晴子.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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移植における臓器不足と異種移植 OAK
小川, 晴子.
Palavras-chave: 異種移植; ブタ; 免疫寛容.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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血液型抗原発現クローン豚の作出 : 免疫寛容誘導法の確立 OAK
小川, 晴子; OGAWA, HARUKO.
2006年度~2008年度科学研究費補助金基盤研究(B) 研究成果報告書18380162
Palavras-chave: 移植; 拒絶反応; 免疫寛容; 血液型抗原; クローン動物; 核移植; リンパ球; ABO.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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